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Summer Drill Schedule

OTA Summer Drills – June 1 – August 14, 2015

All Drills are at Memorial Park unless otherwise noted, check Rates page for prices

Rainouts/Missed drills/vacation times:  Rainouts will be at Harvest (when courts are available) for those coming 4 or 5 days/wk. Anyone coming to 1-3 days/wk (Black) and 1-2 days/wk (Orange/White) should makeup on another drill day. We may have to occasionally use Lincoln due to camps/tournaments at Memorial.

Sign-up Deadline/Billing Timeline:  Summer Session Deadline is May 28, 2015 (we will ALWAYS let new students in, but that is the last day to guarantee a private lesson spot).

OTA Anklebiters

Monday/Wednesday 8:15 – 9:00 a.m.IMG_0707


Monday/Wednesday 8:15 – 9:00 a.m.

OTA Big Red

Tuesday/Thursday/Friday 8-9:30 am

Monday/Wednesday 5:30-7 pm


OTA OrangeIMG_1662

Tuesday/Thursday/Friday 8-9:30 am

Monday/Wednesday 5:30-7 pm

OTA Orange Crush

Tuesday/Thursday/Friday 8-9:30 am

Monday/Wednesday 5:30-7 pm


OTA Greenpleasant valley 2

Tuesday/Thursday 9:00 – 11:00 a.m

OTA White

Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9:00 – 11:00 a.m

OTA Black

Monday-Friday 10:00 – 1:00 p.m.

 2015 Nestlé Waters Team Event

July 31-August 2